Thursday, July 10, 2014

The "advance team's" first week in China

Monday - Met with a leader of University of Macau to talk about partnerships in the area of student development for the whole person.

Tuesday - Met with principal of Macau Baptist College, a secondary school in Macau, to talk about teacher training needs/opportunities in their school, traveled into China and had dinner with ITS teachers in Zhuhai (Jana Hoobler, Anne Morrison, Matt Cherry), heard about transformative movement in Canaan and Johnson's home.

Wednesday - Made a presentation about our summer camp to the students at Zhuhai #1 Senior Middle School, began accepting registrations for the August 4-13 Summer English Camp, hoping to enroll between 60 and 80 students, 75 kids came to the presentation, spent the night with Jumbo and Chai in Doumen.

Thursday - Went to Zhongshan to meet with leaders and look over the facilities for the teacher training next week, training will be held at the Communist Party Training Institute of Zhongshan (otherwise known as the Party School), met with leaders of China Hong Kong English School in Zhongshan where ITS will place five teachers this fall.

Friday - We'll go back to Zhuhai #1 Senior Middle School to finish up registrations for our August 4-13 English Camp, We'll meet the big team in Guangzhou this evening.

Below, Luke M talks with students for the August 4-13 camp.

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